This is a picture of my beta fish. My fish requires a specific water temperature or else it will die which makes it an ectotherm. Ectotherm's are organisms that can't produce their own body heat and require heat from external sources.
This picture of a dragonfly exhibits bilateral symmetry. Bilateral symmetry is the organism is equally balanced on both sides. If you cut the dragonfly in half, then the dragonfly is the same on both sides.
This is a picture of a blackberry bush with thorns on the stem. Plants modify their stems in order to protect themselves from predators. This blackberry bush likely developed thorns in order to protect its berries from deer and other wildlife.
A pinecone is an example of a gymnosperm cone. Gymnosperms are non-flowering plants that produce "naked" seeds. Gymnosperms like pine trees protect their seeds using cones such as this pinecone.
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