
25. Pollen

This flower contains pollen. Pollen is a powdery, yellow substance that are used by plants to help fertilize other plants and create seeds. Pollen is transported to other plants by water, wind, and pollinators like bees (pictured above).

24. Modified Root

Modified roots are roots that adapt to the environment to ensure survival. A potato is an example of a modified root. A potato is a storage root and helps the plant survive by storing water and other nutrients to prepare for unfavorable conditions.

23. Detritivore

This is a picture of an earthworm. An earthworm is an example of a detritivore. A detritivore is an organism that eats dead organisms and breaks them down. Worms break down dead organisms and return the nutrients back into the ecosystem.

22. Homeostasis

Homeostasis is the act of maintaining equilibrium in the body. After a long walk, my dog is panting. His panting is regulating his body temperature and bring it down. The regulation of body temperature is an example of homeostasis.

21. Population

A population is a group of the same species that inhabit one specific region. These three cats make up the cat population of the Millner household.

20. Territorial Behavior

Territorial behavior is how an animal protects it's land and resources. In this picture, the hummingbird is fighting off other hummingbirds from the feeder. The hummingbird is protecting its food, therefore exhibiting territorial behavior.